GardenSpace - A robot for growing your own food at home.

GardenSpace is the tool every gardener needs, whether you’re a novice or an expert. GardenSpace does what you can’t – it keeps watch on your plants 24/7 using a 360-degree swivel camera.

GardenSpace is super easy to use. All you have to do is connect it to your water supply and your Wi-fi. The handy app is your garden command center. Plus, it’s solar powered, so you never have to worry about plugging it in or swapping its batteries. And, it’s also great for the environment.


A lot of people dream about joining the sustainable food movement and growing their own food in a home garden. However, you’ve got to know how much to water each plant, how to space them out and how to keep pests out. All that can be difficult to manage. That’s where GardenSpace comes in.

GardenSpace is a smart camera, a watering system, animal deterrent and a botanist all in one. It’s the first and only product to provide monitoring, watering and protection for your garden.

This solves some of the biggest gardening headaches so that you can get back to focusing on the parts of gardening that you love.

GardenSpace can manage the upkeep of 100 square feet, which is enough to grow $700 of produce a year. GardenSpace should be every gardener’s first step towards a successful yield.

GardenSpace does a great job of keeping an eye on everything. With a motion-sensing, 360 view camera, GardenSpace knows and sees all that happens in your garden at all times. 

 Plus all you have to do is tell GardenSpace what you’re growing and it keeps track of each plant’s health data like chlorophyll levels and temperature of the plant and the soil.

GardenSpace is a tool that any gardener will want to use to enhance their growing experience. Beginners will enjoy more success as GardenSpace automates some of the more taxing aspects of the process.

Watering is a problem for 99% of gardeners. It can be impossible to guess exactly how much water each plant needs to thrive. GardenSpace keeps a catalog of all your plants, so it knows when to water (and when to stop watering). This takes a huge amount of pressure off you, the gardener.

GardenSpace works as an actual pest deterrent. The built-in 360° motion detection and water supply work together to detect and ward off any unwanted garden visitors.

 GardenSpace works as an actual pest deterrent. The built-in 360° motion detection and water supply work together to detect and ward off any unwanted garden visitors.

So you won’t wake up one morning to find out that one possum has singlehandedly decimated all your beautiful tomatoes

Though it does a lot for you, GardenSpace isn’t complicated to use. All you have to do is connect it to a water supply and Wi-Fi.

Then, simply download the GardenSpace app to get a virtual view of your garden.

 On the app, you can input all your plant information to get feedback for optimal growing. The app can even tell you what to plant where and reorder seeds for you throughout the year.

 GardenSpace doesn’t have any plugs or batteries to worry about. It’s powered by the same thing that grows your plants – the sun. 

Solar powered also means that GardenSpace has zero negative impact on the environment.

We wanted to create GardenSpace because we knew so many people eager to start their own gardens who just didn’t have the right tools to do so successfully. GardenSpace fills that gap with a product that helps you out but still puts the gardener in charge. Our goal? To be the largest food grower in the world without owning a single farm. If that sounds like a tall order, then you’ve heard us correctly. GardenSpace is just our first foray into the market with many more great innovations to come.

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